Top Ten Tuesday| Books I Recommend the Most

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday, brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish, will be all about the top 10 books I recommend the most. I don’t know that I would call these books my favorites, but they are definitely up there. I usually recommend these books to different kinds of people: friends, family, and random people in bookstores. These are also the books I recommend whenever a poor soul asks me to give them some “book recs” on Facebook.

10. The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
the five people you meet in heaven

My husband and I were in a LDR for a little more than a year before we were married. Whenever we were on the phone or Skyping, we would sometimes lose stuff to talk about it. I scoured the internet for ideas on things we could do together when we weren’t together. One suggestion was to read a book at the same time and then talk about it. The book we picked was Mitch Albom’s The Five People You Meet in Heaven. I am not a Christian, but I still enjoyed this book so much. Albom doesn’t choke the book with a religious agenda; instead of focusing on the fact that there is a heaven or a God, it focuses on the background characters in your life. It’s a wonderful book and is usually the first book I suggest to random customers.

9. Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill
heart shaped box

I would like to start off by saying this: I love Joe Hill. I have read most of his books and have yet to be disappointed. They are some of the best horror books I have ever read. Most horror authors get carried away with their writings so that they confuse the reader. Hill’s father, the famous Stephen King, does that to me sometimes. Yes, Joe Hill has the blood of Stephen King running through his veins. His talent is his own though. If you’re looking to be scared by a book, this is the one for you.

8. The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo
71SXCz3ckRLI bought The Alchemist for my husband. He always complained that I never bought books he’d want to read, so I saw this one and thought, “That looks pretty unisex.” It’s a small book, so when my husband finished it in a day, I wasn’t surprised. I was surprised, however, when he smacked it down in front of me and said, “Put everything down and read this. I know you can finish it in a day, so do it.” I had never seen him so excited over a book before. I finished it in a few hours and oh my. I loved it. It’s a wonderful story for anyone who might not feel like their life is headed in the right direction.

7. Any books by Jodi Picoult
jodi picoult

One day, I came home and my husband asked me if Jodi was my favorite author. I said no, and asked why he’d ask. “I swear, you have fifteen of her books.” At this point, I had only had two. By now I have eight, five of which are unread. Picoult’s books can’t be read one after the other, unless you have a stone heart. They always have a law story involved, including a court room and everything, so the stories are definitely heart-wrenching. I am a huge fan of Legally Blonde, so I really enjoy these court books.

6. Letters from Home by Kristina McMorris
letters from home

As a fan of WWII stories, McMorris’ was the first to introduce me to them. This book follows the story of four women whose lives are changed by the war in different ways. Each story is beautifully written, the characters well thought out and the writing spectacular. I screamed, I cried, I absolutely loved it. If you are a fan of WWII Historical Fiction, I highly suggest reading any and all Kristina McMorris’ books.

5. Ex-Heroes Series by Peter Clines
ex heroes

Zombies. Superheroes. Military. POC characters. Well-written women. Well-written characters in general. Characters with disabilities. This series has it all. I usually get goosebumps from reading corny, cheesy romance stuff. This series gave me goosebumps just from the dialogue. One of my favorite female characters is in this series. Her name is Stealth and she is an ex-supermodel/contestant from Jeopardy who won like a million dollars. She is super smart, super-fast, and her dad was an assassin who trained her from a young age. There is a character in a wheel chair and a character who loses her memory every day. I can not rave about these books more. They are so good. Plus, the zombies are not the main story. Sure, it kind of is in the first book, but it’s not just zombies, it’s something else entirely and it’s just so good.

4. The All-Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness
all souls trilogy

Part historical fiction,  part fantasy, part paranormal romance. These books are wonderful. Some parts of the first book were a little cheesy and boring, but I absolutely devoured the second book. It has vampires, demons, witches, dragons, all kinds of fun fantasy stuff and a really good romance. Thank goodness there’s no love triangle, or else I might shoot myself. Also, lesbian witches!

3. The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle

If you know me at all, you know this is my ultimate favorite book. The reason it isn’t number one on this list is because I know a lot of people aren’t very interested in reading about unicorns, no matter how absolutely fucking gorgeous this book is. Still, I recommend this book all the damn time. Most of my favorite quotes are from this book. The graphic novel version of this is only better because beautiful pictuuuuuuures. I mean it. Go check it out.

2. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
the night circus

This is one of the most visually appealing book covers out there. It’s definitely the reason I actually ended up buying it, but the story is just as wonderful. All in all, it is a love story and it is a wonderful love story. It’s about two magical people pitted against each other by two old men and we, the reader, are invited to watch their lives unfold. The background characters are a great addition to the story and I can’t wait to re-read this.

1. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
ready player one

Whenever I passed this book in the bookstore, I would point to it and say, “Oh, this looks so good! I want to read it so bad!” One day, my husband said, “Just buy it. You always say something when you pass it, so just buy it.” So I did. He read it before me and, when he was done, he could not stop talking about it. I had to finish it in a day just to avoid spoilers! There is so many pop-culture 80 references that I don’t even know where to start. I ended up giving my copy to my dad, who devoured it and then passed it on to my uncle. This is a book every geek or nerd should read because it is such a wonderful, crazy sci-fi ride.

And there you have it! What are some of your book recommendations?

7 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday| Books I Recommend the Most

  1. I’ve read Ready Player One several times. Like twice a year since it was published. It just hit the right spot for me.

    Did you know Ernest Cline’s 2nd book, Armada, is published next week? I’m excited for that one.

    Some recommendations: The Martian by Andy Weir. Little Brother by Cory Doctorow.

    • I actually have Armada on pre-order for my husband! Last night he came to a complete halt during dinner and said, “Dude… Armada comes out in like… a week. Oh my god.” He read it first, then forced me to read it, then I recommended it to my dad and he recommended it to my uncle. It’s been the most passed around book in our family, I swear.

      I will definitely check those out! Thanks for the suggestions 🙂

      • I have it pre-ordered too.

        The funny thing about Ready Player One is from a writing perspective I don’t think it’s “well written”, but the characters and world just keep me coming back. It’s not just the 80s references/nostalgia either, though I know that is part of it.

        As a wanna-be writer I keep trying to put my finger on what makes it so good so I can replicate it 🙂

      • It probably has a lot to do with the fact that the main character is a nobody with no talent other than playing video games. He’s not physically fit, he isn’t extremely handsome, he’s not good at sports or singing or anything we would think typical of “talented”. But he’s still able to do so much in this world. (Maybe, I dunno).

  2. “He’s not physically fit, he isn’t extremely handsome, he’s not good at sports or singing or anything we would think typical of “talented”. ”

    So like opposites attract (me to this story) because all that stuff you said is the opposite of me 🙂

    I would argue that he is other-worldly talented at video games, though. Like perfect game in Pac-Man has only been accomplished like twice ever.

    I did read “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” but came away disappointed. I might have to give it another shot.

    • I agree on the video game talent, but in our society, that’s usually met with a sneer and a “Why don’t you get a life?” It’s not a traditional talent, impressive as it is.

      I read TFPYMiH back when I was 17 or 18, and maybe if I re-read it I wouldn’t like it as much. I also really enjoyed For One More Day, but was not a huge fan of The Time Keeper or Tuesdays with Morrie. Meh.

  3. matt braun says:

    Ready Player One IS THE GREATEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN!! I never wanted it to end! Growing up in the 80s made this book just perfect for me. The Heart Shaped Box was a great book too. I loved the twist in the end. I am saving Ex Heroes for vacation this year. I think I was just burned out on the whole zombie apocalypse thing. I had read 7 books on the topic and just needed a change. So once I am finished the Kaiju series I am reading I will dive back in to Ex Heroes. Try reading the Necroscope series if you love Vampires and the dead.

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